Street fighter vs mortal kombat mugen gamejolt

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As of March 2022, Schwarzerblitz has been downloaded and installed more than 30’000 times, between GameJolt, and Steam, and was even featured as a mystery game at Frosty Faustings XIV.

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And now, five years later, I’m here, writing this article for, about a game I made and which I would have never expected to get as popular as it got. 2017 seems just behind the corner, but it’s already half a decade ago. A developer’s memoirįive years is a darn long time, if you ask me.

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To celebrate the 5th anniversary of the first public alpha of my own game Schwarzerblitz on GameJolt, I have decided to write a short post-mortem/review of that original early version, analyzing what went well and what went wrong in my first officially published indie fighting game.

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